wiki and blog system





project page

Blog screenshots

this is the main blog screen of a fromage blog (my own). static header, static sidebar, and dynamic main content column

if a person selects a link to an individual entry, this is what that page looks like.

this is a view of the archives of the blog, automatically generated whenever they select the link. stories are sorted in reverse chronological order.

Wiki screenshots

this is the main wiki screen. each wiki starts with a starting page, where you create entry points into the system.

this is what the wiki footer looks like. here you can see the related links section (done dynamically using a text search) and the recent changes within the wiki. you can also see the XML synidcation button, which publishes the wiki in RSS2.0 format

fromage wiki implements WikiAuth, where users have to sign in. this screenshot also shows you a full and complete page of an entry and footer.

and finally, this is what it looks like when you edit a page. you have a text entry area and helpful hints abou popular wiki words for formatting.